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Enhanced F8 VIEW

The F8 VIEW function is a powerful tool with some new functions. You can do fast counts on VIEW/Look-Up tables, print directly to printers including System Printers, ReportServer and Report to PDF, send data to Excel and more. Here are all the functions of F8 VIEW:

COUNTCounts rows with a SELECT WHEN
LISTRe-lists rows with a new sort sequence SELECT WHEN
SUMSums the values in a column
CHANGEChanges values in a row or range of rows
PRINTPrints the VIEW Table to a selected printer
COPYCopies a range of data from a current view to another file
MOVEMoves data from a current view or file
DELETEDeletes rows from a file
QUERY Starts the Query-IV™ program
CHART Displays the data graphically
EXPORTExports the data to a xxx.txt file
EXCELExports select data to Excel

The expanded F8 VIEW control is only available with Thoroughbred 8.7.0 and 8.7.1. Click here to view the OPENworkshop® Reference Manual. Refer to page 72 for more information.

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