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Thoroughbred® Cloud-based Backup and DR Services

Is your computer system backed up remotely? Can you quickly access your backup server in case of an emergency? Are you protected from weather related problems, equipment failures or malfeasance?

Thoroughbred Cloud-based Disaster Recovery and Backup Services can protect your programs and data and get you back in business quickly while your primary server is brought back into service.

Protect your business with Thoroughbred’s Cloud-based Backup Services. Don’t let this happen to you.

Be safe, not sorry with Thoroughbred Cloud-based Disaster Recovery and Backup Services.

Click here for more information or call your Thoroughbred Account Representative at 800-988-3536.

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e-News is published by Thoroughbred Software International, Inc.
46 Vreeland Drive, Skillman, NJ 08558-2638
Telephone: 800-524-0430 or 732-560-1377
FAX: 732-560-1594

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Copyright ©2013 Thoroughbred Software International, Inc.

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