Solution-IV® Version 8.80 Release NotesSolution-IV® Version 8.80 Release Notes
Introduction to 8.80The 8.80 version of Solution-IV, released in December 2013 includes several Technical Bulletins and Enhancements. Solution-IV version 8.80 sits on top of Thoroughbred’s OPENworkshop® version 8.8.0 OPENworkshop Environment which has some of its own new features of which Solution-IV users can take advantage. Solution-IV 8.80 FeaturesProduction - Inventory ControlSolution-IV version 8.80 introduces a new sub-module to Inventory Control. Production processing will give you the capability of maintaining and producing bill of material items. You can create and maintain a detailed list of the components and miscellaneous charges that make up your finished items and subassembly components. Using it, you will be able to produce accurate and informative reports detailing bill structures, component requirements and production history. The Bill of Materials Maintenance option will be used to create Inventory Items. Once created, they can be scheduled for production and sold through Order Processing Sales Order and/or Invoice Entry. The Bill of Materials capability is designed to accommodate the after-the-fact recording of production. As the production of each finished product is recorded, the component items used will be automatically relieved from inventory, and the finished products will be automatically received into inventory. Accounts Receivable
Credit Card Processing
General Ledger
Inventory Control
Order Processing
Required and Complimentary ProductsThe following Solution–IV version number has been assigned to this release and it requires the following other products in order to run:
For those customers interested in reviewing changes made between 8.71 and 8.72, the Release Notice will remain on the web at: