Solution-IV® Fixed AssetsSolution-IV® Fixed Assets
Solution-IV® Fixed Assets is designed to help you manage your assets and calculate depreciation. You may have as many depreciation calculations on an asset as required for your business. Different calculations might be used for book, federal tax, and state tax purposes. A variety of reports are available showing you the value of each asset for book, tax, and insurance purposes. Acquisitions and retirements are handled with appropriate postings to General Ledger, if desired. Other reports compare depreciation methods, project depreciation over the life of the asset, and show depreciation taken in prior years. FeaturesParameterizedThe parameters give you the ability to customize the system to fit your needs without making costly program changes. These parameters include whether or not to post to General Ledger, the maximum tax credit per year, how to handle comments in inquiry and how to handle declining balance depreciation when the amount drops below the straight line calculation. Standard MethodsThe standard depreciation methods included with Solution-IV Fixed Assets are straight line, double declining balance, 150% declining balance, sum of the years digits, ACRS, MACRS, MACRS with part year conventions, all at purchase, and all at sale. The tables for the standard methods may be modified if necessary to comply with new government regulations. Custom MethodsDepreciation tables may be created for methods not already included with the package. Multiple MethodsAn unlimited number of depreciation methods may be maintained and calculated for each asset. These may be used for federal tax, state tax, book, or any other requirement. Asset InformationStandard information about each asset is maintained in the asset masterfile such as description, acquisition and retirement information, serial number, location, responsible party, depreciation methods, depreciated value, insured value, warranties and service contracts, capital lease information, comments and depreciation history. Asset InquiryThe asset inquiry function allows quick access to information about an asset. All of the information regarding the asset may be viewed but not modified, with the exception of the comments where access is controlled by the parameters. ![]() Depreciation InquiryThis inquiry function allows you to enter an asset and depreciation method. It then computes a deprecation schedule for the asset. This may be useful for determining the desired method of depreciation to assign to an asset. Depreciation CalculationDepreciation can be calculated for any or all of the depreciation methods you have assigned to an asset. You have the option of selecting ranges of categories, assets and purpose codes for which to calculate depreciation. The calculated depreciation may be overridden if desired. AcquisitionsBy entering assets into the system through Acquisition Entry, you have the option of having the acquisition post to General Ledger, as well as print history reports showing the detail of assets purchased between a range of dates. ![]() RetirementsSimilar to acquisitions, retirements may be entered and then shown on a history report at a later date. Amortization Sub-systemThe amortization sub-system allows you to enter a loan amount, interest rate, and number of payments. It then calculates the payment amount, total of all payments and amortization schedule. Budgeting Sub-systemThe budgeting sub-system allows you to calculate annual depreciation for a range of assets and post it to the budget fields in General Ledger Account Maintenance. ReportsAudit JournalsJournals for asset depreciation, acquisitions and retirements provide required audit trails for data entry. The information may be verified before being updated to the permanent files. Retirement Audit JournalThis report shows all of the assets that are fully depreciated, but not yet retired. You may use this option to see which assets need to be retired using Retirement Entry. Asset Masterfile ListingThe Asset Masterfile Listing details the information on each asset. A variety of sort and detail options are available. Asset LabelsLabels may be printed as needed for labeling assets or for recordkeeping purposes. Asset Valuation ReportThe Asset Valuation Report shows the value of your assets based on the depreciation method used for posting to General Ledger. Insurance Value ReportThe Insurance Value Report shows the insurance value of your assets along with the location and responsible party. <Historical Acquisition ReportThe Historical Acquisition Report shows all asset purchases for a given range of dates. Historical Retirement ReportThe Historical Retirement Report shows all assets retired for a given range of dates. Tax Credit ReportThe Tax Credit Report shows the tax credits taken for each asset by year. The maximum tax credit amount is maintained in the parameters. Depreciation Comparison ReportThe Depreciation Comparison Report shows the difference between two different depreciation purposes for a given range of assets. Depreciation Projection ReportThe Depreciation Projection Report gives a schedule of what the depreciation will be for a given range of assets and depreciation purposes. Depreciation History ReportThe Depreciation History Report gives the detail on deprecation taken for a given range of assets and purposes. Amortization ScheduleThis is the actual schedule of payments and loan balances for a range of loans entered into the amortization sub-system. Solution-IV ApplicationsOther modules in the Solution-IV Library consist of the following:
* Integrated with Fixed Assets |